Monday, August 29, 2011

The WII U Opinion

The wii u is the next gen Nintendo and this is my opinion on it its not going to make some happy this is not meant to star a fanboy war (tho we all know one persons opinion is something to go to war for ant it LOL)

so what is my opinion well to know more on how i feel about the wii u you need yo know i have ben anti Nintendo for most my life i went from atari to nes to genesis to ps1 to ps2 to xbox to ps3 notice no Nintendo after the nes not that i could not get them i just did not like the style of game Nintendo had and i feel thy are always 1 gen behind even when thy had the N64 and it was suppose to be a 64bit ps1 out did the graphic wise with a 32bit the game cube was ugly and The game disk barley held a game THE wii is just a gamecube with a motion controller which thy could have added as a add-on controller for the gamecube

now thy have the wii u and this is how i see it the wii u is still going to be one step behind and this is my opinion why yes it is hd now but its is only about the power of a ps3 or xbox 360 just years to late ps4 and 720 will be even better in just about every way now we look at the wii pad that i admit is cool and that will set it apart from the crowd or will it with Sony releasing the psvita Sony just set the stage to ether retrofit the ps3 with wii u like games or thy can use it with the ps4 at launch if thy retrofit it to ps3 why would you get a wii u that is only a home console when you can buy the hand held to go with your home console and have all the experiences you have on the wii u and also have a hand held for on the go yes if you are just entering gaming the wii u would be cheaper then getting a ps3 and a psvita but like i sed with thw wii u you just have the home console but with the ps3 and psvita you can have a home console that can play regular controller games motion games with the move and have wii u like games with the psvita working like a wiipad (only if sony gos that rout) and a hand held and of cores all the video prossesing would go threw the psvits prossesor and not drain to many resorses from the ps3

by now you are probably thinking this is more about the psvita and ps3 then the wii u but i just think that Nintendo has a good idea with the wii u but its just to easy for Sony to steal there thunder and that Sony will sit back watch how the wii u fairs then sweep in and add the same fetcher to the ps3 or ps4 with the help of the psvits when i first saw the wii u i was like what no way that is the coolest thing i have ever saw but after i saw the psvita i was like whelp ther goes the wii us novelty one thing the wii u will have over the psvita is multi touch on the touch screen but i think the psvitas back touch pad will be better because you wont half to touch the screen leaving finger prints (i hate touch screens because of that) and that in a nut shell is my opinion on the wii u is its a cool idea but it will be easy for Sony to copy 

Friday, August 26, 2011

The SKYRIM opinion

So in just a couple months the fifth installment of the elder scroll series comes out is called skyrim now there wont be much facts about the game in this post just a lot of my opinions and i hope to hear your opinions to....
so what are my opinions on skyrim well lets start with what im reading in forums and that it this game will be totally awesome it will change the way we play games this it the best game ever and a bunch of hype one thing i learned about hype is if you fall for it you will be highly disappointed in it cus your expectations are just to high dont get me wrong i belive i will fall in love with this game and it will cause problomes in my marrige cus i will want to spend all my time with it im not saying this game will be perfect i just know how marrowind oblivion fallout3 and fallout new veges affected my personal life i spent over 300 hr with these games i was instantly addicted to them and i still play all of them a bit to much bethesda knows how to make a game i cant put down but and this is a big one all ther games have major bugs and im expecting more of that for as long as i have been playing bethesda games i have been seeing bugs more then any other game company out there most bugs are miner annoyances others are game killers what if you run in to one you just lost your game thats why i learned with marrowind and did in oblivion fallout 3 and fallout new vegas have multipal saves dont save over your old have at least 3 saves and rotate that way if you run in to a game killer you dont half to redo every thing another thing is save often i know i fall in to this trap i will save just after i get hear then when i get there i dont want to save and i fined a game killer something and guess what last time i saved was an hour ago now i lost all that stuff i found and because of how betesda games work you dont always fined the same stuff in the same place a lot of stuff only appears if the randomeiser choses it to be there and i expect skirim to be more of the same i expect a day one patch for bugs why well oblivion fallout 3 and new vagis shiped in a as far as im consened incompleted state fallout new vagis had all the bugs from fallout 3 they didnt even pach it before release they knew the engine had bugs they had the patches but they just simply didnt do it before i feel that was a big no no but i still love new vagis even with this flaw now skyrim is running a new engine and as such it will have its own bugs to work out now i know why there games have so many bugs they are such massive games with so much content its impossible without 100s of testers and 2 years in beta to even scratch the surface bugs so just expect bugs dont expect a perfict game expect freezing and bogging down as you play there is just that much information running through the system and if you are on ps3 like i will be or xbox expect it even more i do think the ps3 version will have the most bugs cause of the arcuteter of the ps3 and this game is not built from the grouned up for ps3 it is a port of the pc version which works in xbox favor cus its more like a pc then the ps3 and how the cell broadband proccesor works so you ask well if you expect the ps3 version to have the most bugs why get it for that system well simply put i dont care for xbox so i dont have one and my pc just sucks and i dont have the money to get a top of the line gammer computer i have a ps3 and i want to play this game so i half no choice on what system i get it on if i had a good pc that is the only system this game should be played on i hope bethesda finds a way and puts it in a way to install mods on ps3 and xbox versions i know this can be done because unreal ternamint 3 had the abilety to install mods to ps3 i think they removed it from xbox version but not 100% on that maybe one of you know for sure so thats what i think of skyrim it will be a must have for betesda fans but for the average gamer it will probably have to many bugs for you i for one already have it reseved and will pick it up day one and a midnight release will be even better but dont expect one next thing bethesda needs to do is make a elderscrolls or a fall out with drop in drop out co op online game with an arena so me and my friends can finally prove who would kick whoses ass in a dual LOL

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

new to blogging

So before we start talking about gaming lets talk about me. First I am a 28 year old gamer i play a lot of games and i have a lot of opinions on games. Some of what i will say is bias because i have my own opinions of gaming and they will not be the same as yours.
I am new to blogging and i am dyslexic and use spell check a lot. It don't always work right LOL. Please, don't flame for spelling error's i am not a English major. I am just some guy trying to be heard. Dont be offended if i don't share your opinion about a particuler console or game. The thing that makes gaming so great is there is no one game to rule them all. Just because i dont like, it dont mean you will not. This is just going to be my opinions and they will probably not be the same as yours.
I will try and keep my thought on one subject but i am scatter brained so i might jump around a bit. I hope ppl will keep up and because i am new to the blog thing i would like constructive input on how to better structure my blog post so i dont fall in to the WALL OF TEXT trap.
My first opinion is gaming is suppose to be fun. If your not having fun why are you playing? i like all sorts of games but i don't like NFL MLB NHL MLS type games. I have only one opinion about them get off you ass grab a ball and go play it for real. This works for all but NHL because theirs no ball and its a little hard to play if you don't have access to a ice rink.
now i love action adventure games strategy games rpg fps puzzle games. my comp is not the best its more just a internet terminal and not a gaming machine. so i am a console gamer i like console because there's no hassle of system requiermints i just want to be able to stick it in and play not fiddle with hardware or software setting and all the headaches associated with pc gaming dont get me wrong i would love to have a computer that could handle any game but right now thats not possible
i own a ps3 no 360 and no wii thats not to say i dont like them or have interest in them its just i only have a budget for one console for right now i will try to not souned like a fanboy but i am a little bias to the ps brand just because i loved the ps1 and ps2 but last gin i do believe the xbox was the better console even though it was the under dog but this gin i like the ps3 the most because of the free online and some first party titles Little big planet 1 and 2 are worth the purchase of a ps3 in my opinion
you might at this point just decide to ignore me because of this but i do like some things about the 360 and wii but not enough to justify the purchase and i see it really hard to pay for XBL i know 50 a year or is it 60 now but thats the price of a game so with a ps3 and no online fee you save enough for a new game year and thats how i look at it
so i think thats it for now and this is the stuff i think you need to know about me to decide if this blog is right for you.